Friday, September 28, 2007


1 comment:

Dyane said...

How ironic to see the concept of disability portrayed opposite to its terms in current society. I found this clip to be extremely humorous, especially as a student studying the sociology of disability over the last few months. This clip allowed for able-bodied individuals to put themselves into the role of the one being disabled. It offered examples of the current attitudes towards those with a disability. They are viewed as being helplessness, abnormal, and different in physicality. To that effect, these individuals are pitied, isolated, as in the case of transportation only being designed for those with handicaps, and seen as brave if they are able to accomplish anything for themselves. In the end, the main character mentioned that he felt that he was not being listened too, his frustration was clear. What a great way to show how disability is simply a matter of perception. In reality, who determines what we perceive to be disabled?