Tuesday, October 23, 2007

What does that kid feel like knowing that his mother wished she could have prevented him being the way he is?

1 comment:

andriko.l said...

Comment for Tuesday Oct 23 2007, Spina Bifida youTube video - By Yvette Cuthbertson

When I first watched this link all I could think about was ‘awwww..that poor child’, but then thinking to myself, what’s wrong with Spina Bifida? I mean, really there is nothing wrong with it. If you look at it from the eyes of the child whose life could have been terminated then this is horrible! What would it be like to grow up knowing that you weren’t wanted, I can’t imagine that would be a very nice thing to have on the back of your mind. I have a friend who has Spina Bifida and I couldn’t imagine her any other way. I do not deny that she has a disability, because it is apparent that she does. I think of it more as her uniqueness. Everyone has something unique about them that makes them different from everyone else, and for her I think that her disability is it. Not in a negative way but in a way that makes her be able to stand up and say “I am my own person, and this is why…”. We can all take this speech, I could easily stand up and say “I am Yvette and I am not fond of children”, does this make me who I am? No it doesn’t but does it say something about me that makes me special? Yes, in that sense it does.

Posted by Yvette Cuthbertson