What I got out of this movie is the concept of independence. The culture we live in likes to define who is capable of being independent and who isn't. Age plays a factor, money, sometimes, and as in the case of this movie, disability. The institution where Rory and Michael were in the beginning of the movie, was trying to deprive them of their independence. So as a disabled person, it doesn't even matter if they are an adult, able-people still like to look at them as kids and therefore deprive them of independence. The fact that Mike had to fight extremely hard to get the committee to give Rory money to live on his own is another example. But from I understood from the movie is that disabled people very much like their independence just as much as able-bodied people, and Rory and Mike set out to prove that.
Tracy A.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Rory O'Shea was here
Posted by
Tracy A
7:25 PM
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I too enjoyed the movie "Rory O'Shea was here" he gave me much insight into how people take for granted those who are disabled. It was a tear jerker when we saw Rory answering Michael, for he was the only one that took his time to understand what Michael had to say. Yes Rory was the rude, ignorant bloke but he got Michael a place of his own and did not have to live in an institution any longer. He also brought life into Michael's life, by taking him to the bar and picking up women. They got to shop for their own food and eat, sleep and get up when they wanted, they could watch whatever they wanted on telvision as well. Instead of staying inside all the time they would go walking (strolling) in the parks and crack jokes, they were enjoying life. Instead of Rory and Michael depending on the nursing staff they hired a young beautiful woman to take care of them, and they also started to rely on each other for they both needed each other to survive in the world outside.
What Michael learned from Rory was that he did not have to go back to the institution when Rory died for he could live on his own with his aide, and he had the knowledge as an educated person to do so. This movie moved me in it was very real and the actors who were not disabled must have went to great lengths in understanding what the disability was like for the person who was disabled.
The movie Rory O'Shea was Here was a great example of how independent living can be successful. For me though this movie was more about having freedom of choice. Rory made a huge difference in Michaels life in terms of making his own decisions and living independently. Now they had the freedom to do whatever they chose. Learning by doing, and makeing decisions even if they can be the wrong ones, its all a learning experience to make you a stronger person. For any individual its important to move out on your own and with friends, to learn how to be independent.
One interesting thing in my life right now is that I learned hands on what it is like to live your whole life and then move into assisted living. My grandmother has been living by herself since her children moved out, and now she was faced this last weekend with moving into assisted living. What a major transition, especially because she is loosing most of her freedom of choice and independence. Its very interesting, the connection between older people living in assisted living and people with a disability who live in a sort of assisted living. What do you all think about that connection?
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